Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Swan Song to fly from Childhood

In Childhood we hear stories that affect our lives and how we grow to adulthood.  This tale, The Ugly Duckling, from The Brothers Grimm was a favorite.  I did not realize that I was identifying with this cygnet, and how true its story would resemble my own life, and the need to break the mold of what I was supposed to be, according to the norms of society,  as to who, and what I am.  A poem of tribute follows.

July 15, 2015
Gouache 12 x 16

Felt ugly did I

They said so
some blunt, commanding
with looks and sighs, too polite
in pretense of civility that I
did not fit
in the landscape
nursed on Jim Crow milk spiked
 with Johns,  Calvin and Wesley
parsimonious with kindness
cursed from birth by a loving god

(He slyly bargained a deal)
Bordering the green or fallow fields
of the farms, of the town
is the forest, the  mysterious forest
where creatures, not human, live
(far away you are told
 is the fright of cities
where they flock)    

inherited lies of the good news
to be reaped at death
it has taken those who have gone before
weighted down with rocks carved with their names
silently waiting for the return
of the ancient godly one

off to heaven
off to war
off to work
off to the store

voices, looks
 sound the malaise
you are ugly
your words cannot chant their song
cannot dance to their rituals
though you try and try
and try

you are ugly
lost among others, like you
with arms and legs and eyes and mouth
 and minds

some minds
have stopped thinking
stopped questioning
while yours spins and flies
a circling bird
looking for the coveted

you will be a pretty bird
flying free
flocking  with others
the good citizens of the world
all the same flock
a rainbow of colors
of wing shapes
beaks that sing different songs
eat different foods
whole as one

you will fly
all free
in the sky
and nest on land
in trees and forests
mountains and prairies
soar into and above the sea
free birds
all of you
in one habitat
one parent
one planet


J. Frase-White
With thanks to the Brothers Grimm and one special cygnet

15 July 2015

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