Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022


Thanksgiving Prayer 2022


So thankful to live & breathe

In a world so vivid, so varied

Today so frozen, white here 

 hints of the sun gold

Elsewhere on earth warm and green

With colors to seduce the senses

 fragrance elemental and exotic

Landscapes of unimaginable beauty

Constructive growing plots by human hands

ordered bouquets to feed us

Or destroyed with our hatred towards each other

cowardly sorrow disguised in heroic fashion


In a world so filled with  people

As varied as the terrain, with voices that echo

The songs of earth, a radiance of joy

& the pain of loss and suffering

Voices of myriad gods from the minds

the hearts, the souls of humankind

 music, tears and  laughter

So vital, so varied

Each one a member of the chorus of our earthbound universe

Far as the eye can see

But not just us, the human ones

So many other creatures

From crawling bugs, and flying butterflies

Birds that soar and sing

In ways we imitate

Coyote, elephants and anteaters

Yak and bison, cows and bears

Dogs, cats that have become our friends

And domestic animals suppling food

Oh, Be thankful for all the good we have

For family, of birth and kinship

Of variety of foods and home

Of cultures that expand and enhance

 patterns of our life

In our vain attempt to understand, to care

The immense beauty before us

Growing upon this round, round earth

With moon to keep and eye, and sun to keep us alive

In the cycle of our lives

Oh, yes let us be thankful

For all the good, we could explore

That we may all open up our eyes

Like our mouths to sustenance

Of the firmament of holy earth

The thanksgiving for us all.



[With special thanks for the ones/the one

Who holds  most closely

Giving hope and joy every day

And our creatures with four legs too

The keep happiness close at hand.

I love you Chuck,

I thank you.

And Jasper & Cricket, you two too!]



24 NOVEMBER 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

Dream Raiders

The Dream Raiders
(or Seeking the Grail with Larry & Dave)

 We sit around the table

beneath a Pinwheel umbrella

striped in blue and dirty white

Our floor a worn Persian Rug

The sky a roof in prayer

Bookcases line the walls

Rambling ages of pages old and new

Three old friends

My dear friend Larry

So glad to see him alive again

His black frizzled hair and mustache

Aged with frosted grey

Curious eyes alight

 Sparkling vivacious humor


Across the table to my right

Sits Dave his faithful sidekick

Who wrote with wit of fishing lures

A gentle person filled with

Bubbling brooks of wisdom


I seem to be the older brother

A time ago we danced a game

with scholarly pursuit

to fashion lives of wonder

wandering paths behind ahead


A flash of brilliance Larry stood

fingers summoned us to follow

“I know a hidden treasure

Our covenant to find.”


We prance down cobblestone streets

In a Medieval flavored town

Reaching a tight passageway

Stone walls shoulder high

Enclose a church graveyard

Fashioned with crumbling headstones

And a sarcophagi with armored knight

Beside it stands a new shiny shrine

As if R2D2 had found his holy rest


Larry leads us up a sudden stair

To the blue-grey double door

of Victorian Painted wood

So thick it seemed like stone

Greenish Diamond leaded windows

Frosted with the glare of age and light

I hope would burst in color

Once we get inside


The door is locked, a resisting silent mouth

But Larry has a trick

Pulling from his pocket a skeleton key

Inserting to find the giggling spot

to open that forbidding seal


Across from us, a holy saint above

Blesses us in a hail of stained glass light

As if to welcome us inside

The holy grail to find


Timed just right to answer too

A door opens across the way

A shrouded blue nun appears

emitted a piercing scream

We  heard not in our ears

But in a valley deep inside

That needled sharper fear

that noise cannot avail


a  man behind her, shouted out

“I’ll go and get the gun!”

Larry, circles in his eyes

 Commanded from the middle of his throat

 “Run, my loves, let’s run!”

The tunnels of streets blurred by

Racing to our home base

Slamming the door tight behind

Jumping over bookcases

That clothe our secret stairs

Running down to our holy ground

Plopping harshly, breathing deeply

around the sacred picnic table

The umbrella top began to spin

a launch powered by our exhaled air

Our bodies lifting with it

We flew into the heavens

Beyond the earth and sky

I wake into my bed alone

With smile firmly on my lips

Twinkle dancing in my eyes

A song of dizzy beauty

Inside my inner ears


Sunshine broke the barriers

Music the heavenly sky

Five Quebec Coalminers from Hell**

Sing melodies from the bowels of earth

Laying blocks to build our dreams*


To laugh the day alive


©James M. Frase-White

(A Dream infused byJolly Angels, November 18, 2022)



Additional “Poem”

*Humans tunnel under earth

seeking the light of stones

The fire of coal & heavenly lust of diamonds

Opals, emeralds, rubies, multiple crystals of delusion

Humans bodies rest among these riches

Eternity lies beneath before it flies above

**(the group:  Les Charbonniers de L’Enfer, the song  Il n’y a qu’un suel Dieu)