Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A Poem for Amy (1958-2021)

Amy in the Mountains -- wish we could see her lovely eyes, as they captured radiant joy always, her smile will have to do, with the beauty of the scenery, like her with a heart as big, and fragile, as all out doors

A Poem for Amy 

How astonishing it was to wake this morn

trees grow one step greener

forming leaves, little goddess gifts

Birds burst in joyous mating songs

Sudden thoughts return to the loss of you

Taken in the night to the cavern of death

To die when Spring is dawning

It seems so wrong that you are gone

The breath of life exhaled

Your loss refutes renewal of Earth

The daffodils bow their heads

And call for mother sun

We wish you could do the same

As we hold you in our blood, in heart

In memories, in mind, in visions

Illusions to the flesh of you

Your kind and loving voice

A laughter that we’ll hear inside

A life you gave so freely of

Farewell, kind heart, dear love

Amy, you kept us well, the world a better place 

             With all our love, from Jim & Chuck

(Amy M. Sullivan 1958 – 2021)

 ©j.m.frase-white 10 May 2021

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Psalm Flyaway Home


Bird Psalm


Hummingbirds jet

 in butterfly flutters

red green ornaments

of summer exuberance

iridescent dancers among

rainbows of blossoms


Bluebirds flit

above green fields

a dash of sky over fertile grass

& Swifts in purple

black & white

across lakes and ponds

scooping up the abundances

of hovering buzzing flies


Robin redbreast

sings at dawn to call

the sun awake then

dance upon the greening ground

a worming they partake


Crows attune robin’s morning song

 squawk language loud and strong

to guide their friends to treats

tempering the feathered flocks

 to feast the bounty of the land


Buzzards circling round

swallow up the fate of death

devouring, tearing feasts of flesh

in tidy jagged bites

cleaning up the world

they rule with funerary care


Flitting among the bushes

you see them now you don’t

the wren and sparrow spin

their songs in melody unmatched

we  humans imitate

we warble not so well

songs resound

gargling  bells

among secret bowers swell


Screeching harshly

the blue jay reigns

a crown upon its head

 Red Cardinal too

less raucously proclaims

its noble heavenly birth

dancing, hopping on earth

and tree, up upon thee

We bow no matter how

we dress or decorate

we cannot touch the wealth

or elegance of flight


The hidden Bittern sound so deep

secreted among the reeds

blended in, even frogs

confuse the hollow dropping sound


On open pond

at dusk and dawn

the longing, lingering

 lachrymose Loon

we listen with repose

attired in stunning black & white

Loon croons a soulful tune


Snowy Egret purifies in

Virgin white, above

Blue Heron soaring form

we view in worshiped awe

the beauty haunting time

what colors can dare approach

Wood Ducks stylish trim?

We humans dazzle, yes

in sequins, stones, shiny rocks

brag like Parrots pirate talk

in movie stars or bishops frocks

our ruby slippers

& golden crowns substitute

Nature bestows pure honor

to our feathered friends

who flute  & mimic with noble songs

abraid with screech and hoot

swift Owls at night

who gently coo

Seagulls laugh and caw

we are a part of this wild world

in mock civility

and evil strife


Enjoy the color in flocks

and flight of fowls

We all are most blesséd

to be among the wingéd

Wonder of these companions

our own angel dream

can only just imagine

no matter how we sing

these traits we borrow, not own

so let us give a gracious bow & thank

fowl friends on Earth

     ©j.marshall frase-white Spring 2019

The Birds are coming home:  Happy Spring