St. Russell St. Angel, circa 1974
The note sent a few days later & typed below:
Dear James,
The intangibles, the tangibles
are not separate things but
manifestations of the same light.
Friendship is why the angels,
who have no bodies or earthly
goals continue to concern
themselves with us.
I'd had a dream this morning of two artists vying for attention, one was a seagull upon a sandy shore, the other a vulture, with its graceful wingspan soaring high above the sand, looking, searching. I'm presently working on a 2 party exhibit, and it seems there is a communication going on (both are positive, read not ire into the revelry). Here us the influential wall to my right as I lie in bed:
On that note, Sing, Sing, Sing the international day of Song & Our Summer in the Northern Hemisphere begins today!