Thursday, February 15, 2018

This Morning I witness

Sunrise, 15 February 2018                                                          

This morning I witness
the sun pouring through my window,
the view across the mountains
Nouveau  lever du soleil,  jmf-w 1997, Private Collection
valleys, a dance of white/blue snow
hazy mists arising, as earth is waking up
bless the sun who wakes us
warms us, bless the earth
rotating in her seasons
the moon dancing in her phases
the universe of stars and planets
unhidden in the night
as long as we nurture
this grace
we have no
need of gods of myths
of magic, or of man
shades of self-important vanity
the stories poetry
as long as we nurture
this beautiful gift of life
of earth, sun, moon and stars
of plants, and animals
of creatures crawling, swimming
flying, walking grace
always the gift of moonshine
the sunbeam on our face
of rains, and winds and savage earth
we shall be granted grace
to live in peace and harmony
each one a giving god, in our rightful place

                                                                                                                ©Jmf-w today

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Flaming Passions

The Patriarchy will Be Over                                            
Prayer Meeting on the Golf Course,
For New Freshmen, Asbury College, 1965

(Sketch, 2/3/2018 at 5 am)

When I see
The nuns throwing off their habits
The Priests breaking crosiers over their knees
The Imam forced from the pulpit
Women ripping off veils, and headscarves
Women storming the pulpits
And pulling evangelists from their accusatory thrones
Beating their bibles into the story books they are
The tales the tales so grimly told
And preachers with tails between their legs
Kings uncrowned
And dictators laughed off stage
Politicians listening to all people
Joining their humanity
Schooling together
Teaching the history of progress
Not of killing and wars
No joy in found in killing
The stranger we do not know
But knowing the stranger
So we are no more
in the victory of kindness
Soldiers throw down their guns
And refuse to kill
The fearful unafraid
Weapons melted into plows
Trombones and trumpets
The planes employed for cargoes of good
And the view the splendor of the earth we love
And care for
And each person
Happy to be who they are
The color they are
The background they have
But one, one, one
Holding hands, and laughing
Singing Freedom, freedom, free   
You, whoever you are,
And me  

Holiday Wishes 2017, Ground Hog Day 2018
©James M. Frase-White 2018