This is a time of religious turmoil when few seem to get along, and the fight of Them against Us or Us against Them reeks and explodes in the headlines day and night. All the gods, divided as they are within the religions themselves, the Moslem (Shiite and the Sunni), The Christians, (Orthodox, Coptic, Catholic and the multitude of Protestant sects), the Hindu and Buddhist, Shinto and Zoroastrian, and all those I have not included, all claim to deserve/demand our respect, of them and those who believe in them. This being so, we also need to respect the gods of the past, as we do our ancestors. These supernatural deities are manifest in our imaginations, in our stories, our truths and fictions. Several of these gods have come into my scope and have resulted in this homage to the Forgotten Gods.
Lord Flyfishing Flyingfish
God of Flyingfish
Cut Paper
18" Circle
Lord Ichneumon Spiderweb
God of Frighteningly Beautiful Innocent Insects
Cut Paper/Mixed Media
18" x 18"