Oh, Gods so oft forgotten
and Goddesses gone before
there are times when we seem to need you
ever more and more
Seems we human beings, when we begin to moan
have a dreadful habit of messing up our home
sometimes so bright and pretty
well fed and happy so
Then we court our own disaster
the few pile gold and wealth
which brightens no one's future
nor strengthens the people's health
And in that lust our ignorance
seeks the help from a priest of god
that simply assuage the masters
who force with gun and rod
But when we kill the miniscule
the birds the bees the fish the bat
we lose the benefits of life and
we realise the world is built on that
Our hearts now open to the need,
we call upon the winds of yore
we seek loved gods and goddesses
we invented to serve before
Goddess of Honeyflies and Butterbees
(on white background)
16 x 16 x 2 Cut Paper
(on red wall, afternoon light)
Completed 10/07/2016
copyright james m. frase-white