Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Expulsion from the Garden

Part III
Expulsi de paradiso


20 x 30 x 3
Acrylic, Watercolor on cardstock

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


We are all Jews looking for the promised land. 
 Humanity has continued to populate the earth, looking for homelands, that exotic land of milk and honey. They flee the oppressors, internal and external, in the land of their birth.  It is my belief that life is growth and learning, expanding our hearts to goodness, kindness to others and our minds to knowledge.  Is it not true that that one treat others with the respect with which they uphold their own self? Yet some of those who mouth "do unto others" still listen to those seeking power, who pretend to purify by calling for death and destruction, chanting with forked tongue, spewing hatred and violence.  The voices of vengeance and retribution take over the slow progression of good, of love and caring, assuring the minions that after the slaughter, peace will prevail.

Fanning the Flames
 Inflammatory News
12 x 13 x 3

The flocks gather, and the horrors of the past repeated. 
Stockades are filled with munitions.  
No crops are sown, no harvest follows.
We are the pets of our anger, the avengers for the lust of our gods.

lethal murmuration
12 x 13

A third work is in  progress, to consolidate this trilogy of fear.  My hope is that beneath this testimony of the worst of humankind, there lies within the human heart, and mind, the belief that included in the necessity for survival is a true universal desire for home: peace, freedom and boundless unity of the good, the caring, and the truly brave.