Monday, January 22, 2018


Four AM

Across the river, over the village
Clouds have drawn a blanket
Silencing starlight
So quiet, pockets of white snow
tented under street lights, porch lights
(children flashlight reading undercovers)
Silent night
Even the occasional vehicle
Soundless fireflies
Disappearing into the black
The world, capable, every night
Of peace

around this great globe
Somewhere it is noon, evening
4 in the afternoon
Somewhere someone is going
Echoing or going beyond/beneath my knowledge

I recall those years
The clock roostering the 4 o’clock morn
Aroused readying for work
To break the night’s fast
For a town by the sea
Or the long drive
To study the thoughts of children

Other nights to caress with eyes
your lover’s prone figure
Asleep, comforted by
the warmth of that body near
that being that loves you
In another room, so quiet
The soft breath of your loved ones

Or the purr, or sniffle, the snore of a furry beast

And in the warm months, the exotic
Always exotic melody of birdsong
Or the howl or scream
Of night creatures
The erotic coyote
The victorious fox
The hoot of the owl
The snore of the neighbor
In the apartment next door

How precious is life at 4 am
Our blessings to count
When not cowered in fear
The shiver of a muted jet
The silence of a drone
true threat, or pious paranoia

The night knows that
As the world can slumber together
And go about the produce of the day
To plant, to grow
To bake and cook
To sip and laugh
At 4 am we are whole
United by the nation of sleep

4:32 am January 21, 2018

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