Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cascade: Earth Wind & Fire

       This began with an experiment, using a broken storm window.  When removing an old pane, the panel cracked into three distinct pieces.  In order to practice some cuts for an upcoming commission, I thought that this would be the perfect chance to envision the new window.  It mutated from clear glass to this work. I envisioned it as a cascade, inspired by Diana's Bath and other mountainside waterfalls in the White and Green Mountains of New England. Conway.  When my first view saw it, he immediately said, "Earth, Wind, & Fire", and so it shall be.

  It was originally an idea to use as a interior storm window for my bedroom, the window where the photograph above was taken.  The size is 30" x 26", which fits snuggly into the window.  The bedroom window faces North so direct sunlight would never illuminate it.  This morning the sunlight brilliantly fills the land, as if to cheer on the last day of summer.  So downstairs we took the window, to the porch, to be photographed in the bright rays of the beloved source of all life, as we know it. Here is a view looking to the East, with foliage far behind it, and sunlight full, but not direct.
   We have decided to leave it there, until it goes on public display (in a gallery near you?) so we may enjoy it each morning.  The rivulets of clear glass reflect the alternating light and seasonal change, as summer green turns to radiant reds and oranges of autumn, eventually to the solid white of winter.  The colored glass also produces a provocative shadow, on the somber grey floor.