Monday, March 26, 2018

The Right of Kings, Thumb Up, Thumb Down

Off with their Heads!

How often,
when talking, telling a tale
explaining a plan
shooting the breeze
have you suddenly seen
the listener’s eyes go blank
the spotlight turns round,
their mind racing off
accelerating, leaving you
in the dust,
of your speech
of your thought?
U = O

You’ve done the same, no?

The Red Queen
shouts “Off with their heads!”
We laugh at lackey cards
cheering Alice’s impertinent rightness.
How often have we seen, or read
(History rankles with examples)
or felt, the worthlessness
of being, in our own tiny ego
at the annihilation of people?

Humans think themselves such royalty
 bosses and captains,
lords and pastors,
 divinely created kings & queens
scions & dictators, generals
ceo, nco’s the latest, armored madmen
& presidents too
cops and criminals
proud bigly gods                                                                          (god/gods we invented)

The holy lords above us cry:
Shoot them!  Bomb them!
Send toy planes and stealth bombers!
Tanks and ships, men and guns!
Destroy their homes!
Flood the fields with devastation
Burn the towns and cities
Kill their children left and right
Leave them without home or hope
Off,  Off, Off with their heads!

Chanting, we humbly comply
All in a marching line
doing their bidding
saluting flags & pledging battle
Little gods ourselves
Forever repeating
“off with their heads”
“off with their heads”

Written after reflection, blanked when excitedly telling a story, my audience of one was elsewhere, my heroes left aimless, and my personal worth shattered before the period at the end of the sentence.  Self-inflicted doubt, but true,  flash back to being in the office,  for a moment the center of attention in the joint conversation, until the boss/king walked into the room, and all the ladies curtsied, the men bowed, closing involuntarily closing their eyes to prevent equality from leaking in.
And that is how it starts.
25 March 2018

And a humbling humor deflecting the kowtowing to the boss, taking the light off moi:

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